Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MATV antenna bracket pictures

I have a few installation pictures of MATV antenna brackets. In fact I have quite a number of pictures on the installation of other building services such as the public address system, the firemen intercom, audio visual and conference system, etc.

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All these are part of the electrical contracts in a building construction works.

They are classified as building services together with the cold water supply, the fire protection sprinklers, etc.

When I started this blog, I wanted to make it specialized in only electric supply systems.

However, I have also always asked myself what to do with all the pictures on the ELV (extra low voltage) systems and telephone works.

It has been such a waste. Those pictures can be of use to many people such as those whose need real installation pictures of the systems in real construction works.

Even I myself was having such needs during my early days in the electrical world. Of course, now anyone can search among the tens of thousands of the manufactures’ and suppliers’ websites specialized in these systems.

However, often we only find nice pictures and often we do not want nice pictures.

We want the real construction pictures, pictures that are not biased towards any particular supplier or manufacturer.

For this reason, I am expanding the scope of this blog to also include the installation pictures of building’s extra low voltage (ELV) services and telecommunication systems.

In the future, I may even include building’s ICT systems.

After all, the title of this blog is “… installation pictures”. The internet search engines should not be confused about the content of this blog, I think. We will see.

Now let’s get back to the pictures.

I will not be writing much on this. My specialty is not on these technologies. I only have some experience with them, including design (aka system integrator) and installation supervision.

Therefore, I will only be going through the pictures very briefly when it comes to the ELV services and telecommunication systems.

Picture 1 – Installation of MATV antennas

I apologize if you need to look closely at the picture to see the antennas. I should have taken the photographs before they started work on the roof installation. The green color of the construction safety nets seems to have disturbed the clarity of the antenna image in the picture.

However, Picture 2 below shows the antenna brackets quite clearly.

Picture 2 – Antenna brackets mounted to a roof wall

Well, there is nothing special with the brackets here. Just similar to the types that you may have at home.

However, observe that stay wires were used to add stability to the poles. You may not have the stay wires at home.

Picture 3 – Closer view of a bracket

Picture 4 – The flexible conduit connection between cable trunking and the rigid steel conduit

Below is an example single line diagram for an MATV installation at a multi storey building. I hope it will help “genuine” beginners place where the antennas are located in the overall system of the MATV installation.

It was part of a draft proposal for a turnkey project many years ago. So it is simple enough and easy to understand.

It was also the first AutoCAD soft copy file that I found in my old archive when I started digging for a schematic diagram to complement the above MATV pictures. I would not want any beginner reader to leave this post confused.

A list of the symbols used in the diagram also follows.

Observe and try to understand. I am not a teacher here. I just share pictures with you.

Diagram 5 – MATV single line schematic diagram for a multi storey building

Diagram 6 – TV antenna symbol

Diagram 7 – Satellite TV antenna symbol

Diagram 8 – Lightning arrestor symbol

Diagram 9 – Amplifier power supply symbol

Diagram 10 – Channeled amplifier symbol

Diagram 11 – Final amplifier symbol

Diagram 12 – 2 way tap off symbol

Diagram 13 – 4 way splitter symbol

Diagram 14 - 2 way splitter symbol

Okay, guys. Enjoy the photos.

Visit also this post, Electrical installation pictures, to see more photos on this blog.

Copyright http://electricalinstallationwiringpicture.blogspot.com MATV antenna bracket pictures

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