Thursday, July 29, 2010

Compound lighting foundation size

I am sending up the following three images on compound lighting pole foundation details to fulfill a request by a friend earlier today.

Image 1 – The overall diagram of a five-meter lighting pole

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He was supervising a construction job of several pumping stations at a remote location in the countryside.

The project was worth just above ten million (I think that was what he told me a few months ago), so the budget for the supervision team was not that high.

Being a little bit out of the way, not many engineers would be interested to fulfill the vacancies for the resident engineer posts with the salary the engineering consultant could afford to pay.

However, the construction works still have to proceed and the project still need to be completed and delivered on time. No main contractor would want to risk any possibility of delays especially in a design-and-build or a turnkey contract.

As usual, the best solution in this sort of situations is to employ just one resident engineer to supervise both the electrical parts of the work.

This way the salaries meant for two resident engineers (i.e. for electrical and mechanical resident engineers) is paid to just one making the vacant post much more attractive.

That was the kind of post this friend of mine took and he got a pretty good offer to supervise a relatively small jab.

Naturally there is a problem, however. He is a mechanical engineer who needs to look after all the electrical works also.

He needs a friend’s help now and then to ask for some free professional advice.

That was what happened today. He needed to advise the electrical contractor on the size of the foundation for the compound lighting pole.

Image 2 – The blow-up view of the foundation for the 5 meter compound light pole

There not much that I need to elaborate on this concrete foundation. It’s just a simple plinth with the size of 500mm x 500mm x 900mm.

Notice the mounting bolts and the high impact PVC pipe cast into the concrete.

This image above shows just one uPVC pipe sleeve. Normally you would want at least two sleeves: one to the left and one to the right because cables to the light poles are usually looped in and out from the previous pole and then to the next pole.

So the image above if for a pole that is on the end of the loop.

Observe also that the dimensions of the concrete base are sized at bit larger than the base plate or the bearing plate of the steel pole (See Image 3 below).

Image 3 – Bearing plate dimensions

This is to give enough clearance around all the mounting bolts so that there is enough strength of the concrete to withstand the load imposed to each of the bolt.

The size of the foundation above is actually one of the standard practices that I know for the light pole height shown above and you should have nothing to worry about.

Of course the type of the soil is a major factor. So if you have doubts just call the light pole supplier or just ask the civil engineer. This is just a simple common issue for them, so you should be able to get an immediate confirmation.

I have been using this size in all my projects and never had any problem.

See you again the next time.

Copyright Compound lighting foundation size

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