Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Electric transmission lines across Nile River

Only one picture today: a photograph of a high voltage transmission line across the Nile River in Egypt.

Hello everyone. It has been quite a while since my last post. In fact I only sent just a few posts for the whole of last year,  2013.

For that I owe some apologies to loyal followers of this blog. I know that a considerable number of young engineers find many pictures here useful for them.

I also noticed in the past one year that many students follow this blog.

Again, please accept my apologies. It has been a really busy season for me in the past one year or so.

That is a fact of life for many of us in the construction industry. In some projects the work demands sometimes suck the life out of us. This is no joke.

Okey,  folks. That's enough hugs and kisses. Now back to the above picture.

It must seem a bit unusual to regular readers that I post this kind of picture. Usually the pictures are about cables,  wiring,  etc. Definitely not about high voltage transmission lines.

Actually I am running out of new pictures and this is the type of new ones that I have.

With this picture also I am announcing that I am now in Egypt. In Cairo to be precise.

Currently I am taking Arabic courses here while searching for a job. Not a job in Egypt,  but in other Middle-East states. Probably in Saudi,  UAE or Qatar. Being new in this region I will probably accept the first offer that I get to minimize the risk of being unemployed too long.

Today also is the day that readers can see my identity. All the while this blog has been deliberately developed and vigorously experimented to suit fundamental SEO (search engine optimization) principles and to maximize readers' clicks on Google's advertisements.

It was easier for me to do so if I kept my identity hidden. I knew this made the blog somewhat un-professional,  but then I never meant for it to be a professional blog in the first place, and I still don't.

So why expose my identity now? I will explain that some other time. As for now, those who wish to contact me can visit my facebook page as before. Or they can visit my LinkedIn page as indicated by the link below the picture above.

Readers may also soon notice that I am gradually revising a number of my earlier posts since this blog is now indirectly associated with my professional public image.

Okey guys. I need to switch off now, but I will see you all again soon enough.

Chowww !!

Note: I am sending this post from my Samsung Note. It's kind of ackward to type long posts using this thing.

And photo editting is also another problem.

Copyright Electric transmission lines across Nile River

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