Sunday, March 6, 2011

M & E Coordination

The few pictures that I show in this post is a demonstration of what can happen when proper coordination drawings are not produced prior to the commencement of the mechanical and electrical services installation in a multi-storey building.

Picture 1 – Improvised installation of electrical trunking, air-conditioning ducts, fire protection pipe work and a floor beam



Somewhere among my previous posts, you can find examples of good coordination between the mechanical and electrical services installation.

However, here I wish to show you the opposite side of it. The above is not the worst case examples. I have plenty of pictures showing much worse scenarios which I will show you in future posts.

A reminder for the beginners in electrical installation works: Learn from the mistakes that other people have done and plan your work accordingly.

This is a very expensive lesson if you have to learn it from personal experience because rectifications, relocation or corrections in large installations can be very expensive and time consuming.

I do not plan to make this a long article. Regular visitors to this blog may have noticed that I have not been posting for quite a number of months.

A few have been asking me to continue posting articles and adding more topics.

So today I am back and you can expect to see some more pictures of electrical installations, good and bad.

There are readers who condemned a few of the pictures that I use to explain something.

They seem to have the opinion that using pictures with bad installation practices is like promoting bad installation practices.

With all due respect to their experience and expertise, I beg to differ on this matter and I think many would agree with me.

I also wish to remind the readers that none of the electrical installation works published here is my handiwork, whether the good ones or the bad ones. I did not do the wiring work; I did not do the trunking installation, etc.

I might have been the inspector with the responsibility to inspect or audit some the installation works.

However, when I show a picture, it does not necessarily mean that I say “this wiring work is a good example”. Or it is bad, unless I specifically say so.

It only means that there is something that the readers can learn from the picture.

Please bear in mind that different readers may learn different lessons from one single picture.

One of the primary objectives of this blog is to educate common people in how electrical installations work in real life. That is why I use “real” pictures.

In real life, the “real installations” (such as one’s own house wiring) are often “not that neat” and not that pretty.

It is very easy for me to show you pictures of neat and orderly house and office installations. I work in the construction business and I have tons of pictures of neat installations like that.

However, people often find it hard to understand the actual wiring in their own house or their own small offices because in most cases the wiring works are not new. They have been modified and they have been tampered with by people who either didn’t know enough or didn’t care enough about safety, or he tried to make the wiring works at a very low cost.

Whatever the reasons for the bad practices, the occupant who inherit the unit is faced with a wiring “system” that is hard to understand and is full of bad practices.

It is for this very reason that I use these pictures to explain how the wiring works. They are “real”.

That is all I have time for today. Enjoy the pictures and see you again in the next post.

Picture 2 – Electrical trunking and air-conditioning ducts

Picture 3 – Sprinkler pipes and trunking

Picture 4 – Telephone trunking, electrical and aircond duct

Picture 5 – Sanitary piping and domestic water pipes above electric trunking

Picture 6 – Sanitary pipes above electric trunking

Picture 7 – Trunking below sprinkler pipes

Picture 8 – Trunking below water piping

Picture 9 – Water pipes above trunking

You can see more pictures of electrical installation at this post, Electrical installation pictures.

Copyright M & E Coordination

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