Monday, March 1, 2010

Pictures of electrical wiring

I have uploaded many pictures of electrical wiring to this blog. Now it has started to become difficult to find the pictures related to specific titles such as the wiring, etc. It will become worse as I send more post and pictures.

Picture 1 – Electrical DB wiring

Because of that, I will periodically send a post that will become an “anchor” for a specific title.

This title on wiring is one such example. Instead of being a normal post, it will generally function as the index page for posts and pictures of electrical wiring that I have sent to this blog.

So when you are looking for pictures of electrical wiring works, you can either look at the post list (i.e. BLOG ARCHIVE) at the right column of this blog page, or you can come to this post directly and scroll down to see if there is anything that interest you.

Of course, there is another way, which is by clicking the relevant “label” titles at the bottom of each page.

However, using the “label” will open all posts that have been tagged with that label in a single page. Readers with slow connections may not like the waiting when the pages are heavily loaded with graphics such is this blog.

Moreover, if multiple “labels” are opened simultaneously, readers with small RAMs may cause their computers to crawl, or even hang.

The best way is to come to an anchor post like this, which provides a short summary to posts related to a specific broad title. The graphic loading is also much less heavy because only one or two pics are added for each related post.

I have already send anchor post for other titles:

Temporary electrical installation pictures
Temporary electrical earthing pictures
Temporary lighting installation pictures
Electrical installation pictures

I will add more if there are more that three or four posts related to a specific title.

Now let’s get back to the DB wiring pictures.

Picture 1 show a house electrical DB with the cover removed.

Taken from this slightly lower angle, you can see the LIVE busbar of the DB.

Picture 2 below shows the wiring from the higher position. Here the outgoing wiring of the MCB’s (miniature circuit breakers) can be seen more clearly.

Picture 2 – Distribution Board Picture

I will not talk in detail about this wiring here. You can read a more detail description of the wiring at another post, 1-Phase ELCB Connection Pictures.

There are more pictures of this electrical DB there also.

Diagram 3 – Lighting layout and wiring details

Prior to installation of the electrical wiring conduit and trunking, the position of all fittings including the light switches, the socket outlets and lighting points must be determined.

Diagram 3 above shows examples where the light switches should be located.

I have sent a post with some pictures on the installation of lighting switches for office buildings here, Light switch installation pictures.

If you are looking for house electrical pictures, I have a post here, Home wiring pictures.

This article is not very good. It was actually a draft that I did at the time I started this blog. Suddenly something else demanded my urgent attention. That was why I did not have now post sent to this blog for a few months.

I posted the draft article anyway. I will come back to it some time soon with the final version and some pictures that may be useful for the readers.

Picture 4 – Internal wiring of an office DB showing the installation and wiring work in progress

Picture 4 shows the internal wiring of a DB for lighting and small power.

This DB was installed at a multi-storey office building. The internal wiring that has been done as shown was actually done at the factory.

That is why you cannot see any outgoing wiring from the MCB’s at the upper part of the panel.

You can see more pictures of this DB and other switchboards at this post, Switchboard earthing pictures.

Copyright Pictures of electrical wiring

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